Posts Tagged“crochet bag pattern”

On the last 3-4 weeks I’m happily busy crocheting this Linen Clutch. Remember I told you here how and when this idea came from? It came out with my Mondays’ girls, while I was teaching them the Linen Stitch. They just fell in love with it’s texture and so did I. We all thought that making a Clutch out of the Linen stitch, can be a fun project and we agreed that we will all wait till I have a Linen Clutch pattern written down – we are this kind of optimistic women. I felt my fingers itching, like they…

After two quiet days of writing down a step-by-step pattern at my studio, the Hello Yellow kit is now finally available at my shop. This Yellow cotton project started as I was waiting for my boys in their afternoon English lesson. I was waiting for them on the car and as always I took some crochet work with me for my ‘waiting for my kids time’. I was looking for an up lifting project to have on my hook.I wasn’t really sure about what will it be and what will it end up like but I just felt this Yellow…

These crochet workshops I’m having here are such an up lifters, providing us with colourfulย moments and so muchย pleasure. I felt like sharingย these last ones with you today. I know some of you may be asking about how am I doing after what I wrote on my last blog post, just a little note to let you all know, I’m absolutelyย fine. These gloomy days left just as they came and all is good again. As a creative person I know these moody days are just part of the game, and I also learned that it can end up with a new…