After two quiet days of writing down a step-by-step pattern at my studio, the Hello Yellow kit is now finally available at my shop. This Yellow cotton project started as I was waiting for my boys in their afternoon English lesson. I was waiting for them on the car and as always I took some crochet work with me for my ‘waiting for my kids time’. I was looking for an up lifting project to have on my hook.I wasn’t really sure about what will it be and what will it end up like but I just felt this Yellow is what I need on my hook as a colour therapy. And it definitely delivered that much needed Yellow happy spirit.
It was the other morning that I went out to our balcony garden when I met these stunning Yellow visitors blooming on one the plants. We planted some new plants recently and I chose this one because I loved it’s grey leaves colour, but I didn’t know these yellow flowers will come to visit later on. I just looked at it quite amazed and said “hello yellow” I starred at it for quite a while then went to bring my camera to document this beauty. I’m not sure if these Yellow flowers were the trigger for my desire to have some Yellow on my hook but I guess it left it’s mark in my creative mind. In one way or another I find my garden as one of these up lifters and a huge source of inspiration.ย
So, I took Yellow to my ‘waiting at the car time’ and after crocheting 4 or 5 rounds of this Yellow thing, I was looking at it and I heard myself saying “hello yellow’ and that’s how Hello Yellow got it’s name. On a very early stage of my work I already knew it’ll become some sort of a container though I didn’t know exactly what kind.
I was trying so many options and variations of sizes and different proportions and I crocheted with different hook sizes, till it finally looked right to me. One thing I can tell for sure, these hours of crocheting with a happy colour effected my mood in a very positive way. This Yellow colour was a real up lifter and provided me with some mental light.
At the same time I crocheted this Yellow cotton colour, there were few other projects laying around it and on some point they were laying in it. The Yellow project became a container for other projects and I was so happy that the Yellow thing just chose his personality on the go.
After realising this Yellow container is going to be a bag I started to look for the right handles. I had this lady on one of my Mondays meeting asking me to crochet handles for a crochet bag she made and I was looking for some ideas for her on Pinterest. It came out with handles pattern I wrote for both – her bag and my Hello Yellow.
So now after hours of ‘studio time’ with just me, my camera and my computer I finally can launch my new Hello Yellow DIY kit.
What is in this kit:
A step-by-step printed pattern for Hello Yellow bag
3 Granny Kit cotton balls in colour ** Yellow **
80 c”m cotton rope for the bag handles
Granny Kit cotton colour card
What do you need:
You’ll need to have a 2.75 and a 2.5 mm crochet hooks.
Crafty scissors & a tapestry needle.Level
This is a step by step pattern followed with close up pictures along to make it easier for you to follow even if you are a beginner. You have to be familiar with the basics of crochet stitches.
Crochet tip
If you crochet loosely I recommend that you’ll use a 2.5 mm crochet hook as we want this bag to be just a little stiff.Sizeย
With Granny Kit cotton yarn and the recommended hooks, your Hello Yellow bag will be Aproxx: 60 cm (23.6″) diameter and 15 cm (5.9″) Length.So, if you are ready for an up lifting DIY project, the kit is now available here. Hope you’ll give it a go as this project will provide you with hours of happy crochet time.
If you have an Instagram account please share your Hello Yellow bag with #crochetobjet and #helloyellow
My Hello Yellow contains a new project now, which I plan to share with you in the near future. xoxMo
8 comments on Hello Yellow Bag :: DIY KIT ::
Sandra Favre-Byles
This is just gorgeous and definitely my kind of yellow! Full of sunshine, but not brash! The bag is just lovely and the kit extremely tempting!
Mo Malron (author)
Thank you Sandra!!!
Joanne Purich
Your lovely bag gave me such a lift on a very grey day! I think it would look gorgeous with some of your beautiful camomile flowers attached to it too! I love visiting your amazing Etsy shop and soaking up all the delicious colour. Thank you so much for the wonderful email & post!
Hi Mo, I return again and again to your blog for inspiration and and when I need to see a spot of happiness! I’m working away at a stripey blanket with 27 of your gorgeous cottons colours… and I find I have enough of each colour left over to do something little with, so today I’m going to make some stars from your free pattern here on the blog. A little star reward for finishing each stripe! Thank you for making the world a better place through your beautiful work!
Mo Malron (author)
Thank you soooooo much Katherine, you comment makes me so happy!!!
I want only the PDF PLEASE
Hi Mo I want the PDF of the yellow bag please
Dearest Mo~ ‘Hello Yellow’ is the PERFECT name for this bag! I just got home from a trip to Ireland and one of the first things I did was ordered this kit (and the aqua Granny Kit cotton). I am so excited to begin working on this. I’m still practicing on my Four Seasons Chevron . . . . just not quite comfortable enough with the pattern to begin the real work with my Granny Kit cotton. Thank you so much for making this Hello Yellow kit available and all of your time in writing down the pattern. I appreciate you so very much along with the inspiration you to give through sharing your workshops and projects. These little visits are wonderfully soothing and so very enjoyable!