Browsing CategorySocks

Looking over my project bags makes it clear that I am completely obsessed with scrappy projects. Both knitting and crochet. Just give me all the scrappy stitching and I’m in my happy place.Hello Hello, it’s been a while since we last met here. How are you all doing? Is it springtime in your patch now? Or is it the beginning of winter where you live? Here in Israel mother nature does its thing whatsoever. Even though things are getting (even more) complicated here in my tiny beloved country, Spring has sprung in full power. So many flowers in different shapes,…

The Front Post Slip-Stitch tutorial is now available on my YouTube channel. Today I have two works in progress to share and one of them comes with a new crochet video tutorial. I have a feeling that you might like this tutorial and the outcome. •• This week I made quite a progress with two of my works in progress. One of them is yet another stripy socks and the other one is a crochet project. The Front Post Slip-Stitch crochet tutorial is related to my crochet WIP and I included it as part of this week’s episode. Let’s start…

Over the past week I knit this pair of scrappy stripy socks. I shared my joyful making in this week’s episode on YouTube and thought I would also share it here with you today. I knitted it mostly as my morning knitting with the first coffee of the day. And took pictures of my WIP everyday because I thought I might want to share it here with you. Also I thought it will be nice to have this scrappy stripy project documented on my little blog corner.   ≡ After my Green Drawer announcement last week I found myself packing and packing…