Posts Tagged“crochetobjet”

Yesterday on my morning walk I found myself reflecting back at the past week. There has been so much going on that I can hardly get it all processed in my busy head. So I thought why not share it here with you to get a better picture of it, as if my blog is my ‘morning pages’. So, Welcome to a week in the life of a maker, designer, teacher, mom, wife, sister and a ‘very tidy house’ lover! Every morning whenever I have a chance I’ll grab a morning walk in our local park, about a 10 minute…

This week at CrochetObjet knitting was quite busy and here are a few inspiring things thatย I wanted to share with you. Let’s share some love together This weekย my friends from mYak had their IG account stolen and held to ransom. They lost their beautiful grid as well as 32K followers. After a few days of struggling and trying helplessly to contact IG for help, mYak decided to open a new account. To start and rebuild it all over again. Would you, my lovely blog readers, join me and help them recover? Let’s do something good together and follow mYak new…

YA, we’ve been doing some sock knitting here. And this is pair #14 for me, believe it or not. A while ago, I’ve ordered a few copies of ‘Lazy Sunday’ socks book, by Jane Burns. I discovered Jane Burns while browsing the Instagram and I just fell in love with her patterns. 10 copies of her lovely book arrived here the other day and they made some workshop girls VERY happy. There are 5 simply indulgent beaded socks to knit in this book and we have planed to start with the first one on our next meeting. I started knitting…