Posts Tagged“crochetobjet Etsy shop”

Yesterday on my morning walk I found myself reflecting back at the past week. There has been so much going on that I can hardly get it all processed in my busy head. So I thought why not share it here with you to get a better picture of it, as if my blog is my ‘morning pages’. So, Welcome to a week in the life of a maker, designer, teacher, mom, wife, sister and a ‘very tidy house’ lover! Every morning whenever I have a chance I’ll grab a morning walk in our local park, about a 10 minute…

It is a pure coincidence that on the same week that I posted a ‘crochet blanket’ related video, was also the week I discovered Haptic & hue’s podcasts on Spotify. I could quote quite a few sentences, from her podcasts, that would fit in with what I feel and refer to handmade textiles. Some of them, I feel missing in my latest blanket-y video. … The idea of uploading a video of me speaking and explaining everything about the Stripes & Colours crochet blanket, was in my head for months. This week I finally made it. … I designed this…

There’s something truly exciting in receiving so much of your love during this Spring sale days. If you are not a new follower you already know that there are not that many CrochetObjet knitting sales during the year. There are a few main reasons why: Cotton prices are getting higher and higher every year. It makes it very difficult for me to offer sale prices. There is a constant shortage of good quality cotton supply in the world. That means that there’s always something out of stock in my Granny Kit cotton collection. Last – as a small business owner…