Posts Tagged“Bunny pattern”

Hello and welcome to my socks knitting journey update. Hope you all had a nice weekend. It looks like I have some colourful, lifting up things here for you today. I’m so happy to sit here at my desk and get back to my plan for sharing each pair of hand knitted socks at a time. Today pair #3 will tell its story along with quite a bit of colourful pictures. But not just socks stories, I will also share some Angie Bunny stories today, which, as you can see in the above picture, are pretty much related to socks.ย ๐Ÿงฆย +ย ๐Ÿฐย =…

Todayโ€™s post is all about bunny clothing and patterns that I recently addedย to my Angie bunny collection !!! This Angie bunny JOY !!! I wish I had a few more hours each day so that I could add more and more of my bunny new ideas, more bunny clothing and more of this sweetness and patterns. It’s such a fun, I’m telling you, this bunny making brings so much joy. I love making bunnies and dress them up with chici cotton clothing, play with colourful clothing, make new shoes patterns, create a little colourful bunny story. It’s like illustrating with…

These moments when I go down to pick up my Minions from school and on our way back home we find these ‘beauty in pink’, at our local supermarket.These moments on our wayย home, very happy with our flowers, Minion2 is giving me his addition to our flower decoration.These moments when I have granny squares first timer on a ‘one on one’ session, inย our kitchen table. This lady is a cool hot lady which asked me to teach her the basics of crochet, we made 2 sessions by now and I can tell you for sure, more pretty things will soon…