Browsing CategoryWorkshops

Last Monday we came back from a short visit in Rome, Italy. We had a lovely 5 days where we celebrated 80 with my mother in law. It’s Friday morning when I write this blog post and I’m still in recovery mode. Trying to keep balance between getting back to the routine while not letting the vacation energy leave so fast, if that makes sense. The pictures above show the top picks from this short getaway. The coffee before boarding on the left and our morning coffee in Piazza Barberini on the right. … We spent a lovely time in…

These 10 things made my week. I mean made my week happy and filled it with joy. Simple joy, the kind that I like the most and hopefully will send some inspiration your way. Or at least will provide you a little visual read to enjoy. And I’ll start at the end of last week if you don’t mind… 1. Sourdough backing Last Saturday I baked my go-to sourdough recipe which is​:​ half white flour and half mixture of whole wheat /whole rye flour. This mixture is a winner and it takes less than 15 minutes after I say ‘it’s…

I’m so excited to say that he Shinjuku scarf crochet pattern is now available. I just updated a 15% off on my new pattern (on Etsy) to create a little Shinjuku welcome party for the entire weekend which I hope you’ll enjoy. No code needed and this special offer ends on Monday midnight Jerusalem time. To be honest, I didn’t plan to publish a new pattern week after week. I thought I would have a simple and casual weekly chat with you here today but not everything can be well planned in a maker’s life. So just like last week,…