The Spring blanket journey has officially started and I’m so excited to have you here. YES !! Let the fun begin !! With so many flower colours around, bright blue sky above and a spring project basket full of cotton balls – all is set to sail. It is actually a pleasure that has to be shared and I mean every little detail of it. During the last week, my spring project basket and me had quite a few very delighted moments, on a daily basis. These bright Spring colours laying all together with a crochet hook, pair of scissors and a blanket plans in mind – make me want to be glued to this basket.My spring project is going to be a crochet hexagon throw/ blanket. Each hexagon is made out of a very colourful seven rounds – I called it The Spring Hexagon, inspiration can be foundย here. At this point I have already sorted out my Hexagon design, which I plan to write as a step-by-step pattern, during the next week (keep your fingers crossed). There is still some work to be done related to layout (you might remember these paper hexies that my kids cut for me last weekend), therefore the Spring Blanket kit is not yet sorted out. There are still some measurements that need to be done before I share all the colours that are going to be included. I am still at the point where I keep all kind of notes and lists of calculations, so I’m not yet ready to reveal all the colours. Designing a crochet blanket and making it a crochet kit – is not an easy breezy kind of work, o no, no, not at all. It is much more than just crocheting with some cheerful colours and I am really into some very detailed calculations at the moment. BUT, guess what? this is THE thing I love to do THE most and I enjoy every moment of it. It will not surprise you if I tell you that I DO love to measure everything, to keep tidy lists of yarn weights and cotton calculations, before creating THE perfect spring kit. And of course, goes without saying, I LOVE to take photos of my WIP and as you will soon see, this project is very photographic. VERY. Which makes it easy to share.ย
Before I share the first steps of this Spring journey project, I wanted to show you these tiny ones. I met them, a few days ago, freshly blooming in front of the house of my yoga teacher. I was so excited, I couldn’t stop looking at them and took so many pictures. I was excited not just because they are so tiny detailed ones and not just because of the smell they spread, but also because…….. my name, the name my parents gave me, is the name of this flower. Here in Israel we call it Moran. Yes, my parents choose my name because they love this tiny detailed white bouquet. I am so in love with it and so thankful. This flower grows mainly in high places here in Israel, you can read more about it here. I guess that you probably know it in a different name because Moran is an Israeli name. We have planted two of them in our balcony garden (of course) but they haven’t bloom yet this year. They will bloom soon but till than, look at these, aren’t they just super cute ones? I love them and I love my mom and dad for giving me a name of a tiny little flower (tiny detailed one).ย
So, with this spring vibes already in my mind, soul and blood system, I have started to actually crochet my Spring Blanket. Happiness and love and confetti all around. I was literally singing out loud while this pile of the first round started to grow. I took one ball of Granny Kit cotton colour Yellow, out of my Spring basket and crocheted about 100 tiny little circles to be the centre round of my Hexagons.
Once I finished crocheting the first round and made my usual happy dance around it, I took a photo and started up crocheting the second round. It was too fast and I was sorry I haven’t took enough pictures of the Yellow pile. My hands just couldn’t stop crocheting. But I know the weight of the yarn left when I finished crocheting all of them, ha ha, it’s all written in my list of kit calculations.ย
I have designed it so the second round creates a pretty flower – We need a Spring Hexagon here. As the pile grows bigger and bigger…. my singing became louder
And as it grows the pile gets prettier and prettier and me got more and more happy. While crocheting the first two rounds I have wrote so many notes and tips for you, to be included within the pattern. The plan is to have the Spring Hexagon pattern as a step-by-step pattern on my Etsy shop and than to have the Joining Hexagons method as well as the Spring Blanket Edging, as free patterns here on my blog. The kit will include cotton balls and Pattern. Within the pattern details I will put a list/ table of all the colours been used for each and every Hexagon, it will be all very clear and easy to follow and you will be able to make the same blanket I’m making. So, tha’t all I can share for now, I’ll share more of this spring blanket journey soon.
Well it is not very easy to leave this basket aside now, but there are some OTHER jobs I need to do here.
It’s Purim holiday now in Israel so the kids have a school break (with many activities) for a few days. Purim is a holiday in which you wearย costumes and kids have as much fun as they can. So, all three kids got their costumes and we enjoy the holiday together, having a few Purim parties. Our teenage made herself a Hippy custom this year. I’m very proud of her, she managed it all in between some massive days of learning for a big math’ test. Minion #2 is a Dementor from harry potterย and Minion #3 is a 7 years oldย boxer for the next few days ๐ but he is changing costumes all day long with or without Purim. E is going to be a Pirate for his working place big party and me? I’ll manage something from left overs of recent years, as always, on the last minute, before our big family party. I’m not a big fan of this holiday to be honest, but can’t ignore it because it’s all over the place so I’m having fun anyway…. (my fun is just to crochet and my friends are mainly yarns, mind you)Hope you too have some fun wherever you are, enjoying your days with some crafty candies. I can see on Instagram that part of you enjoy some snowy days (I’m a little jealous about that). So, for those of you who need some bright spring vibes, here are some good news: I plan to be sharing all the steps on the Spring blanket journey here with you, so you can soak in some spring-y colours and inspiration. Can’t wait to show more of these cheerful colours in my spring basket but I will do that once I finalise them all into one spring project kit. I AM SO SURE this project will make the best out of the next spring-summer time. What do you think? are you inspired to go on a Spring Journey with me? I’m so looking forward to hearing your comments about this Spring Hexagons Blanket. Thank you for visiting my CrochetObjet little corner and for following me on this Spring-y project, I LOVE having you here, xxxMo (Moran)
6 comments on Spring Blanket Journey – Part 1
I believe what I love most about this visit is learning about your name. I’ve always thought it was a most lovely name. But now to know the meaning of it and why your parents chose your name brings a deeper appreciation for it. If I were to have more children, and one would be a girl, I would choose Moran for her name, even though I live in the US. Your namesake flower is beautiful and so are YOU! You are a breath of Spring, just like the flower, with your beautiful Spring basket of cottony Spring colors!
It’s fascinating to see how you create your hexies, each round at a time. This makes perfect sense when I realized that you must measure the weight of the yarns used. You know I am so looking forward to this new pattern and watching your creation come to life. Visiting with you and a cup of tea in the morning is a delightful way to begin the day!
Enjoy your Purim holiday celebrations, dearest Mo! XO
Mo Malron (author)
Michele your comment is so so soooooooo warming and I read it again and again and enjoy every word, thank you so much my dear, xxxxxx
What a lovely story of your name! I am so thankful that you love to do all the calculations as I get overwhelmed by that still haha. SO excited about the Spring Hexagons Blanket….those colors make me very happy!
Mo Malron (author)
This blanket is going to be a very colourful crochet work and I can’t wait to show more of it.
Thank you so much for your comment Janet
Brigitte Kuehni
Oh yes I am inspired to go on Spring Journey with you! I love the colours of the flowers and the colours of your Spring Hexagons. They warm my heart and I dont feel the cool weather outside!
Thank you very much for all the beautiful things you share with us. I love it very very much!
Mo Malron (author)
Thank you Brigitte, I’ll share more of it soon and I hope it will warm your days till your spring will sprung