Posts Tagged“crochetobjet knitting”

Shana Tova from CrochetObjet knitting! September is here and that means that the Jewish holidays are just around the corner. Every year around this season, people tell each other the words Shana Tova – Happy New Year in Hebrew! This year more than ever, I wish for us all not just Shana Tova but also to stay closer together. This week I had three knitting and crochet groups. It was our last meeting before the holiday season and I thought it would be nice to give each of my lovely knitters/ students a little giveaway as a Shana Tova gift…

There’s something truly exciting in receiving so much of your love during this Spring sale days. If you are not a new follower you already know that there are not that many CrochetObjet knitting sales during the year. There are a few main reasons why: Cotton prices are getting higher and higher every year. It makes it very difficult for me to offer sale prices. There is a constant shortage of good quality cotton supply in the world. That means that there’s always something out of stock in my Granny Kit cotton collection. Last – as a small business owner…

It’s March already O M G. Last weekend we had a much needed day trip with friends. We were hiking in the Jerusalem mountains and had a picnic branch, enjoying an awesome sunny day. Everything was so green and lush. Surfaces of cyclamen were revealed to us from every corner. On our way home we decided to drive to theย Mary Magdalene church. A beautiful Russian Orthodox church located on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. You loved seeing it on my IG stories, so I saved it over on my highlights for you. After this dreamy day I felt more…