Posts Tagged“cotton yarn”

September is here, kids are back to school, my home alone mornings and breezy balcony evenings, are back – I’ve been long waiting for that. These home alone mornings are not for long though, as the holidays are right around the corner, and soon we are all off to London for our annual family vacation, YaaaAAyyyYY… I can hardly explain how excited I am. I love London and I haven’t visited there for years. If you read my about page you’ll find I used to travel to London almost every month for 3 years, before I became a mom. really really excited to go there…

Have you also experienced that feeling while looking at a kid painting? what an incredible composition, how beautifully coloured. One of the unforgettable painting exhibitions I saw, was that of a wall full of children paintings at the Collete’s art gallery in Paris, few years ago. In this picture below you see what Minion2 painted when we came back from a street art tour E gave us last weekend. When I was a student in Shenkar college, one of my teachers told me, we all born with this ability to create the perfect coloured compositions but we lose it as we grow old and develop our self…