Browsing CategoryTravel

Our weekends are usually very slow and homey kind of. Both E and myself wait for our slow weekends and want to just be home together. Most of all we want to slow down from our fast and hectic, and sometimes even hysterical, weekdays. We usually meet our families for a big common dinner on Friday eve, which we all love. These dinners tend to end late at night. On the day after, we usually have a very late wakeup with a slow coffee and another one right after. BUT, after a few cold weekends and a few rainy days (rainy as…

Hello again! so nice to be back at my little blogging corner, after a while. I’m back at my desk again, after our London vaction, with tons of inspiration and creation eager. My Etsy shop is open again. Thank you so much for waiting so patiently, Most of your orders went out yesterday morning and few others will go out tomorrow morning. THANK YOU so much for waiting to my return. We had really really great time in London, it was like a dream for us. Pictures here can tell how great it was for us.We found out our kids are the best museum…