Browsing CategoryCrochet

On Thursday mornings, after some housework and a daily tidy up routine, I usually sit down to write my blog. This week, however, I had an appointment in Tel Aviv at 10 am. I wasn’t sure how long it would take so I decided not to push myself time wise and go with the flow. Maybe have a long sunny walk back home. ♣ E drove me to the appointment, on his way to work, because I wanted to walk part of the way back home. Maybe get on a bus for the last part. After my appointment was finished…

Little sleeping hours, restless mind and a heavy heart. All I wanted this week is to stay close to my yarns. Here is a life update from our little roof top apartment in Ramat Gan Israel these days. … In one of the conversations with our little son ​(11 yo) ​he told me this: “I feel a pain inside my heart whenever there is a missile sirene​“. I looked at him and had nothing clever to say. We hugged close and long. ​He described it as simple as that. I literally feel pain in my heart whenever it comes. I…

It is a pure coincidence that on the same week that I posted a ‘crochet blanket’ related video, was also the week I discovered Haptic & hue’s podcasts on Spotify. I could quote quite a few sentences, from her podcasts, that would fit in with what I feel and refer to handmade textiles. Some of them, I feel missing in my latest blanket-y video. … The idea of uploading a video of me speaking and explaining everything about the Stripes & Colours crochet blanket, was in my head for months. This week I finally made it. … I designed this…