Browsing CategoryCrochet Kit

Just before I share our NYC break in pandemic times I want to THANK YOU all, for making my 50th birthday so special! Thank you for all the birthday greetings you sent. Your words filled my heart with gratitude. Every year Eyal and I celebrate our birthdays together in July. This year we turned 50! A few months ago, I started to feel the date approaching and was very busy comprehending this joke. Neither I nor Eyal like any big parties around our birthdays. For us, the smaller the festivity, the greater our joy. This year, along with the number,…

It is a pure coincidence that on the same week that I posted a ‘crochet blanket’ related video, was also the week I discovered Haptic & hue’s podcasts on Spotify. I could quote quite a few sentences, from her podcasts, that would fit in with what I feel and refer to handmade textiles. Some of them, I feel missing in my latest blanket-y video. … The idea of uploading a video of me speaking and explaining everything about the Stripes & Colours crochet blanket, was in my head for months. This week I finally made it. … I designed this…

Have you already made plans for your Spring crafty project? Over the last few weeks I’ve been updating my Etsy shop, so more and more kits and yarn packs are back in stock. In other words, the shop is back in full colorful festive now and therefore I thought it might be the right time for a little seasonal celebration. Let’s celebrate it with a Cotton Crochet Blankets – Spring Sale! Celebrating Spring Spring is in full power here in Israel. Such a short season, it breaks my heart. Our balcony garden blooms so wildly and it makes me take…