Posts Written ByMo Malron

She has a name :: SHE HAS A NAME :: FOUR SEASONS :: The 4 seasons chevron blanket :: done :: already being used, laying on the sofa with so much chic :: if you just take one quick look you’ll automatically get the sense of the ‘four seasons’ name I gave it ::  you can easily find all 4 seasons within the colour composition :: each angle and each pose is like a different season and a different mood but it all works in a beautiful flow together and I just  L* O * V * E  it ::…

It was like few weeks after I quit my ‘big job’ when I had this conversation with my sister :: told her I desperately need my own little corner ::  just one little desk of mine where I can gather my ideas and my creation energy all together :: a little place for me :: few days later I had a small wooden platte getting dried, outside at our back balcony, with a fresh pale blue colour on it :: This pale blue wooden plate became my desk :: It started from just one little corner taken at my husband’s home office…

A week of crochet :: sounds perfect… right? :: I wish I wish I wish I had a week full with just crocheting and colouring :: It was, in a way, but not enough ::  for sure not enough :: so let’s just pretend it was ok? :: Here is a blog post full of “Crochetime” :: crochet and colours :: As you could see on my IG and FB this week :: I’ve just started my new granny chevron cotton blanket, and this pleasure is flowing very very fast :: it’s even kind of meditating :: I really enjoy every…