Posts Written ByMo Malron

Hello and welcome to my little corner again. It’s been a while since I last posted. We had a school break during Passover here, with some very relaxing days. Spending time with the family, going to the beach and to some nice coffee places. In some cases all 5 of us but sometimes just us parents and the boys. It’s just too much to ask a teenage lady to join on every family activity, isn’t it? Our balcony spring garden hosted some very happy moments during these holidays and no doubt at all, we had too much food. In and out…

Spring time is a VERY short season here in Israel and we try to make the best of it in any aspect we can. The fact that all these colourful flowers will disappear in about two or three weeks makes us want to go out and about more often than what we usually do (always with some carried yarn-y project bag). Spring time also brings both E and my mothers birthdays. E’s mom and my mom celebrate their birthdays one day apart. So, there was so much going on here since I last posted and so much that I want…

The Spring blanket journey has officially started and I’m so excited to have you here. YES !! Let the fun begin !! With so many flower colours around, bright blue sky above and a spring project basket full of cotton balls – all is set to sail. It is actually a pleasure that has to be shared and I mean every little detail of it. During the last week, my spring project basket and me had quite a few very delighted moments, on a daily basis. These bright Spring colours laying all together with a crochet hook, pair of scissors…