Posts Written ByMo Malron

The week before Passover is very special but it could easily turn into a hectic one. For years I have been trying to keep it cool and stay out of the mass pressure. It gets better as years go by, simply because age gives some perspective. One learns what things really bring joy into one’s life and what really matters. ​Pre Passover days made me reflect and be thankful for life and for the little things. Like the growth of an avocado seed in a cup of candle that I was given last winter by a very loved knitter in…

It’s officially Spring here in our little patch. You can see and feel it in every corner. The Moran on our balcony garden blooms my heart away and I have a new Spring raglan on the needles. This blog post is coming to you from pretty hot weather, which is actually the end of the first heat wave of this Spring. Typical Israeli Spring. ♥ Yesterday morning, before writing this blog, I went out to run some errands. Even though it was a little too warm and hazy, I decided to walk and not to use the car. Ended up…

Before I jump right into the Over The Moon BLUE combos, I want to thank you all for the lovely words and reactions you sent my way after publishing the GREENS version. THANK YOU!!! It’s been so uplifting to read your comments and DM’s and to pack your GREEN orders. Your packages are now on their way to you. I’m so grateful . A few of you have asked if I can offer a BLUE version to my Over The Moon blanket and that’s what I’ll share here today. You also had some lovely ideas and questions related to size…