Last Sunday was Granny Square Day 2021. This crochet holiday took me back to where I actually started my hooky journey. The picture above is the first ever granny square blanket I made. I crocheted it while breastfeeding our third baby. It was 2010, 11 years ago.

Granny Square Day is an international online celebration that takes place all over social media but mainly over Instagram. A favorite crochet holiday celebrated every year on August 15th.

My first ever granny square

Coming to write this blog post and share my part in the annual Granny Square party made me go back to my first ever hooky projects. It threw me back to this unbeatable urge I had back then when I just started my long friendship with crochet. The urge to crochet a granny square. It was such a special moment.


I remember telling my neighbour friend that I wanted to crochet a granny square. My mom taught me how to crochet when I was a little girl but I wasn’t sure how to make a granny square. I had a few old metal crochet hooks but didn’t have any nice yarn to work with.


The day after, I was standing in the line in an old (and VERY dark) handicraft products store, holding my baby in a baby carrier, waiting to pay for a few colorful cotton balls. A short time after, during the next feeding I started to crochet a Granny Square. Colourful squares flew out of my hands, making a heart melting TIDY pile of crochet squares. This granny squares pile made my first ever Granny Square blanket. I didn’t even know about Granny Square Day back then.

Bloom Blanket – my second granny square blanket

granny square day 2021 bloom blanket

granny square day 2021 bloom blanket

I was so in love that I immediately went onto my second Granny Square blanket Journey which I made into my first ever written crochet pattern. The Bloom Blanket crochet pattern. And so the list of Granny Squares project made here in CrochetObjet became huge.

Fast forward to Granny Square Day 2021

This year I shared two Granny Squares on both my IG and FB accounts to celebrate with the virtual worldwide crochet community.

granny square day 2021I blocked a few granny squares that I thought might fit in and took a few pictures of them to be ready to upload.

My finalists for Granny Square day 2021

This year I decided to share two very special Granny Squares. One which is a work in progress and one is something I developed a few years ago, following a crazy idea I had in mind.

Wild Daisy Granny Square

The first square I shared is still a work in progress. On this video on Youtube I chat more about it. My Wild Daisy Square is made out of THE most gorgeous wool from mYak. It was during the first lockdown when I received my first package from mYak. I wish you could have see my face while I first touched this Tibetan yarn. I couldn’t believe how soft and dreamy the yarn was. My hands have touched quite a few fibers during my years as a textile designer. What can I tell you. This wool is something else. And this post is not sponsored by the way. It is my very honest opinion.

wild daisy granny square

So, as a first trial with mYak I crocheted a few granny squares and this is how Wild Daisy square was born. It’s a floral centre framed to be a square. Made out of:
  • Baby Yak & Silk (50 / 50) in col. Anada and Savitri
  • Tibetan cloud 100% wool in col Wild Daisy (wink wink)
  • Kupa – Baby Yak & Cotton (50 / 50) in col Samana

My Wild Daisy square pattern is still a work in progress but I will update you when it’s done. Hope to publish it soon so you can crochet your own Wild Daisy squares using any yarn that floats your boat.granny square day 2021This granny square was also on my blocking board. Made out of the same mYak yarns. I prepared several options to post on Granny Square Day 2021. I love it and wish I had a magic stick to turn it into a full throw size without pushing my wrists to the edge. Which I did already btw.

granny square day 2021

Curly Granny Square

The second granny square that I shared was taken out of a box full of goodies hidden on one of the shelves in my studio. When I searched in my photo gallery I found out that this Curly happy thing was made in May 2017 together with a bunch of different types of Curly granny squares. They were all made using my GrannyKit cotton with an imaginary projects running in my creative brain. Which might become a real object some day in the future. The colours I used here are: Rose, Citron, Framboise and Ebony – all from my 4ply Sport weight GrannyKit cotton collection.
On the blocking board above there were these tiny little Nipples squares which my photo gallery told me, made together with the Curly one. I really like them but somehow choose to share only two on my IG grid. After all I have my little blog corner and I knew I can share everything here with you later this week. S0. I did!

So that was the little contribution I made to take part in Granny Square Day 2021 and that I wanted so much to share here with you. Have you had the chance to fall in love with something from this colourful festival? Or maybe you shared one of your granny squares creations? Try to type #grannysquareday2021 on Instagram so you can enjoy a grid full of this beauty. It makes me happy to be part of this celebration. Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my GSD Instagram pictures, you made my heart sing. Wish you all a peaceful weekend. Stay safe, xxMo