Posts Tagged“Benji the bear”

Our week started with a beautiful sunny weather so I stole a few hours and drove to the beach on Sunday morning. This was the start of a week made of happy moments. The minute they announce on the news that we are slowly going out of lockdown, ‘beach – walk’ took the first place on my ” To-Do”ย  list for this week. There are not enough words to describe how such walks affect me both physically and mentally. I find that walking with my feet in the salty water has a positive effect on my body! I literally feel…

This week has been so cold and rainy here in Israel – a real winter week. We are still in a full lockdown, like many others in the world. It looks like it’ll be in place till the end of January or maybe even further. So, with this situation I can’t host my weekly knitting and crochet classes. I miss my students so much and the special vibes on our meetings. On the other hand, I do have more time for designing and for pattern writing, which makes me remember how I LOVE it. I love developing and writing patterns.…

Hello my ‘little blog corner’ followers. Thank you so much for visiting again after a long break. My site was damaged since mid August. It took a while to understand what was the problem. A little after we came back from Japan, E and his nephew put their hands on and made whatever brilliant people do. Now all is back to normal. I’m so lucky to have E’s nephew available for us, it was a huge help. Now my little CrochetObjet space is back and I’m so happy to be here again. It was unbelievably frustrated. I know some of…