Posts Written ByMo Malron

Hello lovelies :: nice to have you here again :: would you like a delicious crochet heart pattern today? :: Is this a right time for you to take a hook and have a little crochet meeting with me? ::   You know how I love crocheted hearts right? :: if you follow me for just a little while you know for sure how much I love them :: remember my first GrannyKit cotton colour card ? it was made by crocheted tiny little hearts :: I love making them :: just 1 round and there you have it :: Another…

This week workshop was actually an ordered one :: the girls saw this cotton potholder laid in my crochet box (they always look for new things in this box) and asked me to write down the pattern for our next meeting :: which I did :: though it wasn’t an easy one to write :: I think I will keep it as a workshop pattern for now :: Queen Anne’s vintage potholder workshop :: it was quite complicated to write down this pattern and therefore I guess it will be a hard one to crochet from written words even-though it’s written as…

This granny chic star is an addiction :: lets make it clear from the very start :: A D D I C T I O N :: with only 3 rounds you have a star :: I made few garlands from this star pattern and each time I was surprised to see the happiness on face while opening the gift wrap :: 2 weeks ago minion3 turned 5 and we made him a family Bday party where at the end we gave each kid a star crocheted by me :: believe me, both mothers and kids were very happy with this…