Posts Written ByMo Malron

It all started when we had friends (very close ones) over for lunch on one of those weekends, a while ago. We had a very funny conversation going on and I don’t remember when or who of us suggested that we should have a short weekend abroad together. Now that our kids are not that young anymore, we can and should do it. At that moment, E went straight away to bring his laptop to the kitchen table and we started looking for low cost flights. It was literally few minutes later that we had found this ridiculously low cost flight, by WIZZ to Budapest.…

I have started making this Black Jet bag, while on the flight to my Berlinish’ Girls weekend. You can read all about it here. I had this idea in my mind for quite a while and I’m so very very excited to share this step-by-step pattern here today. I just thought of a small bag to carry my driving License and mobile while I’m driving my kids to their afternoon activities. BUT as a matter of fact, from the moment this Black Jet bag got off the hook, I’m using it heavily. This little bag is so nice not just for my everyday driver duties. It…

Whenever you’re ready, make yourself a cup of hot tea/coffee and come dive in with me here, into a colour therapy session. January 17′ was full of lovely colourful crochet goodness. I’ve gathered here some pictures to share this special atmosphere we have here, during our crochet workshops. All the pictures you’ll see here today were taken during our January’s workshops and weekly meetings. This table has the happiest and most colourful stories to tell and few of them are shown here today. Come, join in. The Granny Kit cotton little shop/ presentation is seen on the above pictures. A little shop I make while creating…