January is usually an opportunity to set goals and write down all kinds of wish lists for the upcoming 12 months. My year as a small business owner started up a little differently. Here’s a little update from CrochetObjet on the current Covid situation which I think you will relate to.

CrochetObjet on current Covid situation

Etsy shop update

As many of you contacted me lately to ask why Australia is not on my shipping list, here’s a little update. In the last few weeks I’ve been very busy dealing with shipping issues to Australia. Many Australian customers contacted me to let me know they haven’t received orders that were placed in early November. It took about a week to figure it out and a few days ago we got an email from our local post company telling us that at this point in time it is impossible to ship from Israel to Australia due to the Covid situation. On the other hand they said that they believe the situation will change for the better in a few weeks.

The cotton packs that you see in the picture above are not just ‘ready to ship orders’ but also some packages we sent to Australia weeks ago that came back to us. And we have already been notified that more packages are on their way back to us. So in order to avoid further inconvenience, I took out Australia from the shipping list on all physical items. I also contacted all customers that were waiting for their colorful cotton packs to update them. Thankfully and I am full of gratitude that most of my customers wrote back to say they would be happy to wait until shipping to Australia will open again. But there were customers that preferred to get an immediate refund and I could totally understand it. Of course.

Let’s hope it won’t take long till we can safely ship packages to you again my lovely Australian customers. I wish for it as much as you do. As we’ve been told it’s supposed to be available again in a week or two. CrochetObjet on current Covid situationIn the meantime all digital patterns are available world wide. And thank you so much for each and every pattern purchased! I am really thankful for how you love my new Chamomile & Sage pattern. This pattern is so loved, more than I could ever tell and it makes my heart sing. I have blocked these a few days ago and they are already on their way to a lovely lady far away in the big apple.

Please note shipping to US, UK, EU, Denmark, Sweden, Japan and all other countries on the shipping list are all available and thankfully arrive on time with no issues so far.

My weekly crochet & knitting meetings

At first I kept our weekly schedule as is and hoped for the best. But the current Covid situation here in Israel is so chaotic and obviously our weeklies got affected. With a high number of infected and isolated people every day / every moment there is uncertainty about who will come and who will not come to the meetings. On Monday it was more or less ok and we had such a lovely meeting as always. CrochetObjet on current Covid situationTuesday morning was quite a small class and I had to cancel the knit night on Tuesday evening because most of the girls were found verified with Covid or entered solitary confinement. So, my teaching week shrunk but we had quite a few beautiful knitting and crochet projects on the table. I shared a lot of pictures on IG and FB as I always do at the end of each class. I’m so in love with this stripes bandana knitted by Orna. She uses Viola sock yarn and a simple basic triangle pattern. It looks to me like a petit bateau kinda style. Can you see it?


The girls that came Monday and Tuesday morning said that the roads were empty and it took them no time to arrive to my studio. Well there are so many people isolated or working from home at the moment.CrochetObjet on current Covid situation

Cotton Supplies

Good news on the cotton supply, there’s a big shipment making its way here. So in the next week or two (keeping my fingers crossed) I’ll have a lot more cotton packs in stock. I will be updating my shop once we have it all here. Just want to let you know that not all yarn packs are going to be available, because not all the colors on my GrannyKit cotton collection are included in the next shipment.


Here is a list of colors that are out of stock forever: Orchid, Sari & Pistachio. All of them have a very close replacements within the collection. Please contact me if you take the ‘choose 24’ and I’ll let you know what colors are available at any given moment.

International zoom Crochet workshopscrochet workshops

My upcoming crochet workshops with mYak fibers have been postponed by a week and will take place January 29 -30 Saturday – Sunday. Paola contacted me to say Covid situation caught the mYak team and I could totally relate. They asked to delay by a week so that the team will be back to work and ready to pack and ship all kits orders. Checkout mYak events for more information. I’m so ready and looking forward for my crochet international classes. It’s kinda of a light at the end of the tunnel, seeing and teaching people from all over the world, spending some craft time together. These coasters are ready too and will be part of my Crochet For Beginners class. VERY excited!!!


All in all I think we all are more or less in the same situation. I feel like it’s closing in on us from all over, 360 degrees. How is it at your end? I bet there’s a new variant discovered somewhere while I’m here writing this blog post. Thank god we have our knitting and crochet for a little bit of escapism. My little CrochetObjet balcony garden provides some optimistic moments (or is it also escapism?) which I take with two open hands.

CrochetObjet on current Covid situation CrochetObjet on current Covid situationCrochetObjet on current Covid situationMy main goal for this year is to keep both you my blog readers, and myself inspired and lift up your spirits, even if just a little. These pictures I took a few days ago lifted up my spirit and I hope will lift yours too. xxMo