I have this absolutely highly sensitive ear/heart for music. I’m sort of addicted to music. Music can easily make me happy, fill my heart with gladness, fly me to the moon. But, as I think of it, it seems that we are all the same, right? The impact of music on our mood is clearly very, very strong. It’s even physical. Most of all things, music is my biggest source of inspiration. Music can take my creativity up to the sky. I had these two weeks of very intensive attention to music. Together with a new WhatsApp kind of group. Well, as a result of this pleasure I’m a little (even more than a little) behind with my “to do list” at the moment.
I still go out on my morning walks, though, almost every day, with a lot more beautiful & inspiring music on my ipod now. What a joy!! What a JOY!! These morning walks are not just one of my favorite activities, but my way to get my thoughts and plans, fresh and organized. Being hugged by so many shades of green and by music. I think its this mixture of Green colours & music that help me get back to my desk much fresher, inspired and amazingly productive.
Talking about these “good for your body” mixtures and blends. I drink this “cleanser tea” for the last 3 weeks now. I read about it on Facebook the other day. Both my mom and my sister told me they tried it so I gave it a go and just liked it. I make it fresh every morning and drink it through the entire day. How do I make it? Here is the recipe.
Put in a tea pot:
A slice of Ginger root
1 Cinnamon stick
2-3 Half-slices of Lemon (you should wash the lemon really good before)
1 small Turmeric root – like those in the picture below – cut it into 2 pieces
After you put it all in a tea pot, pour boiling water on top. Let it sit there for 15 minutes before you start drinking.
At first I used Turmeric powder (1 tea spoon), which makes the whole thing soooo yellow-ish, but my mom just told me I should use the Turmeric root. I found these cute little ones on a “healthy food market” few days ago, not far from my accountant’s office. They hold a bright yellow colour inside, it will jump into your eyes and will surprise you as soon as you cut it.
I refill the tea pot with boiling water 1-2 more times on the same day, but make a fresh one every morning.
On my way back from my accountant, happy with these tiny Turmeric roots in my tote, I passed through one of my favorite antique shops. It is a very busy road and you can never find a parking place there, I haven’t visited this lovely shop for quite a long time. I guess it was my lucky day because somehow, as I passed there, I found the greatest parking spot exactly at the front of the shop. This is quite a miracle. Without a second thought, I parked my car and went straight into the shop. Well, 15 minutes later I was back in the car with these gorgeous vintage plates, feeling so lucky and happy up to the sky.
Love these signs on the back of the plates. These beautifully made vintage logos are as pretty as the plates. Always love to come home and check what sort of production is it and where did they come from.
When I was back home, happy with my goodies, I found a little surprise waiting for me on our kitchen window. For the last few days we had this feeling that somebody is checking our kitchen window sills, visiting it a few times a day, more than the usual visits. Not just checking, but also nesting. Three days ago, we found this little one, perfectly laid on the ground under the shade of our mint leaves. So, for now we don’t open this window, to give them their privacy. The mother is getting very nervous each time we pass next to this window. She sits there for hours, makes my mothering heart feel for her. Our minions are very curious, waiting quietly to see what will happen next….. promise to keep you posted.
As I write these lines, E just came back from the post with this envelope for me. This “fly me to the moon” envelope. It’s the April 16 Homespun magazine. Could you tell? my Granny chic Heart & Stars pattern got a little place there, very VERY exciting. They have contacted me few months ago to ask my permission to publish my patterns and I said ‘of course yes, please do’. But it was so long ago and nothing has happen so I thought it’ll never happen but, eventually, it did.
I guess this is all for today, my lovelies. Next time we meet here will be in a few days, I hope. My plan is to give you this heart and flowers garland here as a FREE step-by-step pattern. Fly you to the moon playing with some happy cotton colours and patterns. We have Passover here next weekend so I have tons of arrangements and some kitchen work to do, but as soon as I’m done with it I’ll be meeting you here again for the garland pattern. Till than enjoy Sinatra, he’ll fly you to the moon. Stay tuned, xoxMo
10 comments on ‘Fly me to the moon’ things + A cleanser tea recipe
Anita Wright
Hello! I’m a brand new subscriber, and I just wanted to comment and tell you how much I absolutely adore everything on your etsy site, written about in your blog, and all of the lovely patterns you’ve so graciously provided for us!! ☺️ I’m currently making a blanket for a friend who is having a baby in May. I’ve taken the inspiration from some things I’ve seen in your site. Crochet is my “happy place” and your site makes it happier still. Thank you!
Mo Malron (author)
Anita, THNAK YOU my dear, your comment made me so happy that worlds couldn’t tell. SO HAPPY
Charlene Brown
Love love love is post! Makes me feel ready for spring!
Mo Malron (author)
So happy to have you here Charlene
Rosa le Roux
Thankyou for a very happy flight to the moon. I always found your blog so interesting and inspirational. I am looking forward to the next post.
Mo Malron (author)
Thank you Rosa, happy to have you here
This is my first time to read your blog and I LOVE it! So many memories come back to me with Fly Me to the Moon and all. I love what you’ve written! I am ready to choose yarn for one of your ripple afghans!
Mo Malron (author)
Thank you Patti, hope you have good memories with fly me to the moon, this song opens my heart.
Mo Malron (author)
Enjoying your blog…and congrats on your published patterns!!