Starting today I can safely say that we are done with school days and we are officially into the summertime vibes. For the last two weeks or so we were deep into a non stopping celebration pace with our two boys. Tomer, minion #3 finished 6th grade, and would start the second part of elementary school, next year. Uri, minion #2, celebrated the end of a chapter and will start high school soon. Both of them are so excited about it and so are we.
We had quite a few special events that kept us excitingly busy while at the same time having a little bit of mixed feelings about our kids grow up so fast’. I guess you can relate to this?? Yesterday was the official last day of school and they both came home with end-of-year certificates and a few more certificates of excellence in various fields. Which you can imagine filled our hearts with joy and pride.
Within all those end-of-year events we were especially excited when Uri’s teacher invited his entire class for dinner. Uri studies in a special program that is suitable for a bookworm creatures like him. So he had a VERY special teacher in the past 3 years. I’m not sure how it is where ever you live, but here, it’s really not that common that a teacher invites the entire class (22 teens) to her home. I remember that at the end of the 6th grade my teacher invited the class to her home. It was a special event and I remember my mom was very excited about it. I will never forget this visit. She was one of the teachers I loved the most in elementary school.
Uri was as excited about it as I was back in the days and he asked if I could make a sourdough loaf for the event. He wanted to surprise his teacher and I was totally into it.And so yesterday he was proudly holding this box when we were out on our way to the meeting. He was so thankful when he saw I added a little green gift for his teacher. Needless to say, he will never forget this dinner. He was happy and thankful up to the sky, when he was back and so were we.
Crochet bags bug
There was just a little life and routine in the end of school festivals, in which two knitting groups took place.Scrolling my camera roll showed me that we were mainly busy crocheting bags here in the CrochetObjet studio. All are Hebrew written patterns that I work on and hope (really hope) to be publishing in English. Some day in the future.I took every opportunity I had to spend some time with my knitting. There are a few socks on my needles at the moment. It’s a little crazy that I’m into socks knitting because it’s so hot here at the moment BUT:
- 1. I Enjoy sock knitting no matter when.
- 2. Have a few socks patterns on the pipe which I test and want to take pictures of.
- 3. It’s The most meditative project to have on the needles.
Are you a seasonal knitter/ crocheter? or do you put your wooly project aside for the summer?
This raffia pack landed at my studio a few days ago. I was lucky enough to get it as a gift from one of my lovely Monday girls’, the same lady that is seen in my Nina bag pattern. And so on the last few days I’m busy crocheting and playing with it.
Crocheting with raffia is not the easiest for your hands so I keep my socks knitting close to alternate between the two. So far I think I have a bag base made or at least the main part of a bag base.
And here is a little appreciation moment to my clean eating routine that is still alive and kicking during these end of school busy days. Hope your days are filled with some joyful moments of any kind and if you have kids or grandkids in school I wish us all the best summer days with them. Because we all deserve some fun summer days together with our loved ones. xxMo
One comment on End of school days
What an exciting dinner for Uri, and such a thoughtful gift for his teacher. My son got to do the same thing with his teacher at the end of 4th grade. Wishing you and your family a wonderful summer break. Sending hugs, dear friend XOXO