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This week I met the KnitNite girls on Friday morning. It’s not very easy for us to meet in the evening hours during these war days in Israel. Therefore the Tuesday evening Knit nights moved to either Thursday or Friday morning. We decide on it as the week goes by and make the plan according to the war days routine.  • This week we had a Friday morning KnitNite which was like a little light or even therapy for us all. • As you can imagine it’s not the usual talk around the table. In some moments the joyful making…

I took a few pictures out of my camera roll to share this week’s blissful moments with you. Trying to catch these moments and have you joined in this journaling bullet points for some inspiration maybe? Or just being thankful for these simple moments because time flies and so are these moments…. it’s already mid June? ••• I’ve tried the Ketogenic diet for a few months and I swallow the information shared in this book. In my clean eating journey I find myself increasingly interested, even thirsty I would say, for information from nutritionists and health professionals. This book by…

Shana Tova from CrochetObjet knitting! September is here and that means that the Jewish holidays are just around the corner. Every year around this season, people tell each other the words Shana Tova – Happy New Year in Hebrew! This year more than ever, I wish for us all not just Shana Tova but also to stay closer together. This week I had three knitting and crochet groups. It was our last meeting before the holiday season and I thought it would be nice to give each of my lovely knitters/ students a little giveaway as a Shana Tova gift…